About Englewood One Community
“What really matters from the point of view of social capital and civic engagement is not merely nominal membership, but active and involved membership.”
- Robert Putnam
Welcome to Englewood One Community, Inc., a Federal Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Charitable Organization. We are an online community engagement forum for our residents to connect and share information about City government and our community.
All residents feel the impact of government, but too often they do not have the access to information to participate in the workings of City government that shapes our quality of life, affects our families, and determines the Englewood of the future.
Englewood One Community’s mission is to operate as an information platform that opens the doors of City government to all. It serves to inform, to educate, and to promote active participation around the important decisions made by each elected and appointed official that impact the daily lives of our diverse community.
With a team of dedicated individuals and highly skilled professions, we will convey information about the important actions taken by City government with a focus on sound, open, and transparent reporting to assure good government, which is the foundation of our democracy at every level of government. As a nonprofit charity organization, Englewood One Community works through donations.
We look forward in working with the community and welcome your comments and concerns. Contact us at info@englewoodonecommunity.org.
Best regards,
Frank Huttle III, Mayor Emeritus (2010 to 2018) and Council President (2011 to 2013)
Lynne Harwell Algrant, Former Councilwomen at Large (2010 to 2015) and Council President (2014-2015)
Katharine Glynn, Former Councilwoman of the 3rd Ward (2015 to 2020) and Council President (2020)
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Englewood One Community, Inc.
An Independent IRC 501(3) Federally Tax-Exempt Nonprofit Charity Organization
P.O. Box 8126, Englewood, New Jersey 07631